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Hubungan Status Perokok dengan Saturasi Oksigen pada Pasien Intra Operasi dengan General Anastesi Inhalasi

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The impact that can occur in patients with smoker status is decreased oxygen saturation in the bloodstream, this will affect the anesthesia and surgery because the conditions for surgery are hemodynamically stable, including oxygen saturation. This study aims to determine the status of smokers on oxygen saturation in intra-operative patients with general inhalation anesthesia in Dr. Sudirman Kebumen. This research is a non-experimental research with a cross sectional study design. The population in this study were all patients who would undergo surgery with general inhalation anesthesia in Dr. Sudirman Kebumen, the samples in this study were taken by consecutive sampling 60 samples. Data analysis using Chi square test. The results of the study have been obtained respondents with smoker status there are 25 people (41.7%) with saturation <95% and 5 people (8.3%) with oxygen saturation ?95, respondents with non-smoker status obtained results of 4 people (41 , 7%) with oxygen saturation <95 and 26 people (43.3%) with oxygen saturation ?95%. From the researsh, it can be concluded from the results of the study that there is a significant relationship between smoker status and intraoperative oxygen saturation.

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