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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Articles submitted to the journal should not have been previously published. To avoid double publication, CEJ does not receive articles that are also submitted to other journals for publication at the same time.
  • The files should be submitted in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format according to the template provided by CEJ.
  • Text is single-spaced; uses 12-point font; all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text in the appropriate position.
  • The text adheres to style and bibliographic requirements as in the writing guidelines outlined in the manuscript template.

Author Guidelines

Registration and login are required to submit an online article and check the submission status. As part of the submission process, authors are required to check that the submission complies with the set guidelines, submissions may be returned to authors who do not fulfill the set criteria.

  1. Articles submitted to the journal should not have been previously published. To avoid double publication, CeX-J does not receive articles that are also submitted to other journals for publication at the same time. Articles and case studies that have been submitted to CeX-J are not allowed to be returned or submitted to other journals until the review is completed by the CeX-J editor.
  2. The files should be submitted in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format according to the template provided by CeX-J.
  3. Text is single-spaced; uses 12-point font; all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text in the appropriate position.
  4. The text adheres to style and bibliographic requirements as in the writing guidelines outlined in the manuscript template.

Manuscript Guidelines

The research article should be written in Indonesian or English in an essay format described as follows:

1. Title Page

Includes: title of the manuscript, full name without academic and professional credentials with a comma between names. Number (1) is used to designate correspondent authors who have academic and professional credentials, institutional affiliation, postal and email address of each author.

2. Abstract

For research articles and case studies, the maximum is 200 words. Research articles should contain background, methods, results and conclusions. Abstracts are written clearly and concisely to help readers gain an understanding of new and important aspects without reading the entire article. Keywords are written on the same page as the abstract separated from each other by commas (,). Please use a maximum of 5 appropriate words to aid indexing.

3. The script is organized sequentially:

  1. Background: The background provides the current state of the research and consists of adequate background, previous research to note existing solutions/methods to show which one is the best, and major limitations of previous research, to show the scholarship, merit or novelty of the paper. The objectives should be explained in the background.
  2. Methods: Methods consist of research design, place and time of the study, population and sample, data measurement and data analysis methods. Provide adequate details about the methods including ethical behavior.
  3. Results: Results state the main findings of the study instead of providing the data in great detail. Results should be clear, concise and can be reported in text or graphical form. Please provide some introduction to the information presented in tables or figures.
  4. Discussion: The discussion should explore the significance of the research results. The following components should be addressed in the discussion: How do your results relate to the original question or objective outlined in the background section (what)? Do you provide a scientific interpretation for each result or finding you present (why)? Are your results consistent with what other investigators have reported (what else)? Or are there any differences?
  5. Conclusion: The conclusion should address the research objectives showing how advanced the results are from current knowledge. The conclusion should be clear so that it is known whether it is worth publishing in a journal or not. Provide clear scientific justification and indicate possible applications and extensions. Recommendations should also be indicated to suggest future research and implications in nursing practice.
  6. References: References consist of all references used to write the article. Ensure that the citations used are as current as possible, including citations from the current year of writing. Remove citations of older literature (more than 10 years old) unless they are important to your research. References should avoid the use of secondary citations (if necessary, use a maximum of 20% of citations).
  7. The structure of the literature review article is title, author's name (without academic degree); abstract; keywords; background; objectives; methods (please explain the database search, how many articles were retrieved); results (summary of the research review); discussion; or conclusion; and references.

3. Each table is typed 1 space. The number of tables is organized systematically as mentioned in the text and is accompanied by a short title for each. Provide explanations in the footnotes, not in the title. Please explain in the footnotes all non-standard information mentioned in the table. The total number of tables should not exceed 6.

4.The layout of the article is written on A4 paper with margins of at least 2.5 cm or 1” each using Microsoft Word (3000-5000 words), Times New Roman font, and single spacing. Each page is numbered starting from the title to the last page of the article.

5. The layout of the article is written on A4 paper with margins of at least 2.5 cm or 1” each using Microsoft Word (3000-5000 words), Times New Roman font, and single spacing. Each page is numbered starting from the title to the last page of the article.

6. References and quotations use citations in numbers. Van Couver style applies in writing articles.


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