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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Tittle (should be writing short, clearly and reflect of the research results)

(Palatino Linotype 14, Single Space, Bold, Align Text Left)



Abstracts are written in shorts of only 200-300 words and consist of only one paragraph containing a brief background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. In essence of abstract is to convey what has been done and that have been obtained. Abstracts should contain: 1) all the keywords that will be indexed, 2) does not include unexplained tables, illustrations, references, abbreviations, and acronyms, 3) does not contain information or conclusions that are not in the manuscript, 4) do not repeat the title in the abstract.

(Palatino Linotype, 10pt, 1.0 spacing with justify-align)



Introduction essentially contains a description of the problem or reason of research or logical statement that leads to the main hypothesis or theme. The Introduction section should consist: 1) the general background of research (tips: keep a maximum of one paragraph); 2) state of the brief study of previously research literature to justify novelty research (tips: one to two paragraphs); 3) the reference libraries in the previous state of the art research section must be current, relevant, and original (primary literature) of the literature review (not too extensive); 4) gap analysis from the important aspect of the research and what the uniqueness or novelty of the research is compared to previous research; 5) hypotheses (if any) are not always expressed and need not be in the form of a sentence.

(Introduction - Conclusions: Palatino Linotype, 11pt, 1.15 spacing with justify-align)



Several things that need to be explained in the research methods section are the type of research, research design, population and samples used, research tools and materials, research stages, and data analysis methods.



There should be no repetition of narratives in the results and discussion sections. In the results section, the data is represented in the form of an attractive table or diagram, so that it makes the article is easy to understand the data analysis results for readers. Several requirements for writing the tables and figures: (1) tables and figures must be in accordance with the information needs of the article, (2) each table, figure or graph must be accompanied by a caption, for table captions it is located in the middle-top of the table, while for images or graphs captions located at the bottom, (3) writing tables and figures should be placed at the beginning or end of a page, (4) before using tables and figures, the author is emphasized to provide a narrative review related to the table or figure that will be presented accompanied by including the number of tables or images presented, (5) images or graphs must have good resolution, (6) for graphics it is highly recommended to be in color without a graph title, for legends it is written in the caption section after the name of the graph, (7) tables must contain a minimum of two rows of data and requires counting, and no repetition of units, (8) the table only uses border lines at the top and bottom of the head of the table and a cover at the end of the data, (9) the table must be presented in its entirety, not cut off to another page, (10) if there are two tables whose contents are related to each other and can be placed close together, (11) the presentation of tables and images/graphs can combine two columns of text if necessary.Table 1. Title

(Font : Palatino Linotype, 11pt, 1 spacing)



Sub title

Sub title







  Image 1. Images/graphics information 

DISCUSSIONSThe discussion contains clarification between the research background and the research results obtained. In this section the author is expected to include supporting theories for the arguments given. The discussion in the article aims to: (1) answer the problem formulation and research questions, (2) show how the findings were obtained, (3) interpret the findings obtained, (4) relate the research findings to the research others, and (5) giving rise to new theories or modifications to existing theories. 

CONCLUSIONSConclusions that can be drawn from research and written in paragraph form (not in the form of numerical points). At the end of the paragraph, it can be refined with recommendations for further researchers.



Writing citations and references uses Vancouver style and is required assistance of reference manager applications such as Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote etc. If there are uncommon words outside Indonesian standard, it is written in italics. The minimum literature used in the manuscript is within the span of 5 years when the research is conducted. References should contain reference libraries derived from primary sources (scientific journals) of at least 80% of the total existing bibliography. Each manuscript contains at least twenty (20) lists of primary reference libraries.


Informasi Tambahan

  1. Panduan penulisan referensi Vancouver style

            Bisa klik link berikut : DISINI

       2. Panduan penggunaan referensi manager Mendeley

            Bisa klik link berikut : DISINI

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