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Pages 84-90


Manufacture and installation of denture teeth not only a dentist
working area but also services of builders teeth and now
many services of builders teeth medical practice under the
standards so as to endanger the public . Although considered
dangerous , there are still many people who use the services
of builders teeth than dentists. Making use of dentures with
dental handyman services can be influenced by the characteristics
of the denture user community that includes education
, occupation , income , level of knowledge , and beliefs .
Based on preliminary studies in Kenagarian Sijunjung ,
Sumatera Barat on March 2013 with interviewsobtained data
from forty people who wear dentures only six people who wear
dentures with dental services utilization and the rest wore dentures
with dental utilization handyman services. This study
aims to determine the relationship of user characteristics with
the use of denture teeth handyman services. This type of observational
analytic study to analyze a situation with crosssectional
research design. Study location in Kenagarian
Sijunjung,Sumatera Barat. The study subjects were users of
denture teeth with the use of handyman services.Purposive
sampling using a sampling technique. Sample of large is thirty
people. Data collection techniques are the interview questions
based on the questionnaire. Analysis of data using Spearman
Rho correlation statistical test with significance standard 0.05.
Spearman Rhoresult of the user relations characteristics of
hip with the use of denture teeth handyman services for the
education variables are not significant correlation ( ? = 0.941,
? > 0.05 ) , there is no job variables significant correlation
( ? = 0.521, ? > 0.05 ) , income variables are not significant
correlation ( ? = 0.797, ? > 0.05), variable levels of knowledge
there is significant correlation ( ? = 0.047, ? < 0.05),
and there is a belief variables significant correlation ( ? =
0.045, ? > 0.05)

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How to Cite This

Silvia, M., Suharyono, S., & Ta’adi, T. (2014). KARAKTERISTIK PENGGUNA GIGI TIRUAN DENGAN PEMANFAATAN JASA TUKANG GIGI. Journal of Oral Health Care, 1(2), 84–90. Retrieved from https://e-journal.poltekkesjogja.ac.id/index.php/JGM/article/view/108

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