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Factors Affecting The Diversity Of Family Food Consumption In Rural Areas (Factors That Influence Diversity Of Family Food Consumption In Rural)

Pages 12-18


The availability of food ingredients in DIY Province is in fairly good condition, but the diversity of food consumption is still low. This research aims to determine the factors that influence the diversity of family food consumption in rural DIY. This research uses data from the 2015 Susenas in DIY as many as 571 families. Data analysis uses Ordinary Least Square (OLS). The average diversity of family food consumption in rural DIY is 64.20%. There is a positive influence of income and employment on the diversity of family food consumption. There is a negative influence on the number of family members and the poor family category on the diversity of family food consumption.

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How to Cite This

Iskandar, S., & Martati, E. (2023). Factors Affecting The Diversity Of Family Food Consumption In Rural Areas (Factors That Influence Diversity Of Family Food Consumption In Rural). International Conference on Health Sciences, 10(1), 12–18. https://doi.org/10.29238/ichs.v10i1.2055

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