Rasio Prevalensi Anemia Ibu Bersalin Terhadap Kejadian Persalinan Preterm di RSUD Wonosari Tahun 2016
Preterm labor is a delivery that occurs in pregnancy before 37 weeks' gestation. Complications in preterm-born infants are
the single largest cause of neonatal death and are currently the leading cause of death among children under 5 years. Infant
Mortality Rate (IMR) in Indonesia is still very high at 34 of 1000 live births. The prevalence of preterm delivery in Gunungkidul
Regency in 2013 was 16.1%. Anemia is one of the causes of preterm labor. The incidence of anemia in Gunungkidul Regency
has increased in the last 3 years. This study aims to determine the prevalence ratio of maternal anemia on the occurrence of
preterm labor in Wonosari Hospital 2016. Type of observational analytical research with cross sectional design. The subject
of this research is maternity mother in RSUD Wonosari. Data collection was taken from secondary data that is maternity
register and medical record from January to December 2016. Target population in this study amounted to 953, with simple
random sampling. The number of samples in this study amounted to 208 respondents. Data were analyzed using Ratio
Prevalensi (RP). Preterm birth mothers with anemia of 38,5% and preterm birth mothers who did not have anemia of 18.2%
with analysis of RP = 2,115. The result indicates that maternal mother with anemia has a chance to experience preterm labor
2.115 times bigger than mothers who are not anemia. (CI:1,330-3,365).
Keywords :
Preterm, Anemia, MaternityThere is no Figure or data content available for this article
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