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Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi status gizi balita berdasarkan BB/U

, ,
Pages 21-27


The child nutrition outline the impact of the imbalance betv/een intake and output of nutrients ( nutritional imbalance ) , ie intake
exceeds output , or vice versa , in addition to errors in choosing foods to eat. The fruits of this investments main form of chronic
disease, and less weight, pica, dental caries, as well as allergies .Objective To determine the Factors Affecting Nutritional Status
Based on B/ U In Work Area Health Center Mulia subdistrict of Banda Aceh Banda Majesty Tamiang Year 2013. This research
method is an analytical cross-sectional design, population in this study were allmothers toddler (12-59months) and toddlers in the
Work Area Health Center District of Banda Banda Majesty Majesty Tamiang district in 2013 amounted to 1110 people . Sampling
technique in this study using the formula Proportional Stratified Sample of 100 samples . Data collection using questionnaires , the
data weie analyzed using univariate and bivariate frequency distribution tables , cross tables and statistical tests and narrative.
Research results showed respondents with good nutritional status as much (75%) , the results of statistical tests with chi-square
test found the influence of nutritional status of children with maternal knowledge as seen from p value -0.00 and the influence of
nutritional status toddler with family socioeconomic statuswith p value =0.030while the absence of the influence of nutritional status
on maternal occupation with p value = 0.060 .Advice is needed role health workers to be able to provide information about health
programs , especially on nutritional status of children through outreach to the community , so that the existing knowledge in the
community,especially toddlersbecome bettermothers .

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How to Cite This

AS, E., Alchalidi, A., & HRP, M. S. (2019). Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi status gizi balita berdasarkan BB/U. Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu Dan Anak, 6(2), 21–27. https://doi.org/10.29238/kia.v6i2.190

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