Editorial policies

The following policy applies to the Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (Journal of Maternal and Child Health). Please read this policy in full before submitting your article, to ensure you have followed all requirements correctly.


All authors are required to state their affiliation, if they do not have an affiliation then they must state the institution that can be responsible for all research results or you should state your independent status. If the author is a student and not yet employed, you can write the name of the university, but if you are employed, you can write both.

If you have moved to another institution before the article is published, you must list the affiliation where the work was done and include a note to state your current affiliation.

How to write affiliation can be found in the author guidelines section.

Appeals and complaints

We welcome genuine appeals to editor decisions. However, you will need to provide strong evidence or new data/information in response to the editor’s and reviewers’ comments. If you, as an author, wish to comment on aspects of the journal’s editorial management please Contact Us.


Including the author's name on an article is an important mechanism to give credit to those who have contributed significantly to the work. It also ensures transparency for those responsible for the integrity of the content. The Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (Journal of Maternal and Child Health) adheres to the authorship guidelines established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

Authors listed in an article must fulfil all the following criteria:

  • Made significant contributions to the reported work, either in conception, research design, execution, data acquisition, analysis and interpretation, or in all of these areas.
  • Have drafted or written, substantially revised or critically reviewed the article.
  • Have approved the journal to which the article will be submitted.
  • Review and approve all versions of the article prior to submission, during revision, the final version accepted for publication, and any significant changes introduced at the proofing stage.
  • Agree to be responsible and accountable for the content of the article and share responsibility for resolving any questions raised about the accuracy or integrity of the published work.

All persons who have made a substantial contribution to the work but do not fulfil the authorship criteria should be listed in the Acknowledgements section (technical assistance, writing assistance, language translation services, general support, financial and material support). All persons mentioned in the Acknowledgements section of the manuscript must give permission to be named. A statement for such permission is included in the manuscript submission process. For more information on who is eligible to be listed as an author, please access the following website.

The Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (Journal of Maternal and Child Health) promotes novelties in the field of scientific integrity. Therefore, the Journal adopts a system where each author is identified by his or her unique identification number, ORCID. ORCID ensures transparency in authorship and personal identification. This number is easily obtained and freely available at http://orcid.org/. It is recommended for each author provide his ORCID number.


Research and non-research articles must cite relevant, timely, and verified (peer-reviewed, where appropriate) literature to support the claims made in the article, so it is mandatory for authors to use a reference manager.

You should avoid excessive and inappropriate self-citation or prior arrangements among groups of authors to inappropriately cite each other's work, as this may be considered a form of misconduct called citation manipulation. Read COPE's guidance on citation manipulation.

If you are the author of a non-research article (e.g. Review or Opinion), you must ensure that the references you cite are relevant and provide a fair and balanced picture of the current state of research or scholarly work on the topic.

Your references should not be biased toward a particular research group, organization, or journal. If you are unsure whether to cite a source, you should contact the journal's editorial office for advice.

It is important that all references you use are searchable online, so a DOI number for each article is essential.

Competing interests

You and all your co-authors must declare any competing interests that are relevant, or that could be perceived as relevant to the article. Competing interests can occur when you (or your employer, sponsor, or family/friends) have a financial, commercial, legal, or professional relationship with another organization, or with people working with them that could influence the research or interpretation of the research results. Competing interests can be financial or non-financial. To ensure transparency, you should also declare any relationships that could be perceived by others as competing interests.

Authors are required to disclose this information in their manuscripts.

Corrections, expressions of concern, and retractions

Occasionally after an article is published, it may be necessary to make changes to the Version of Record (VoR). This will be done after careful consideration by the Editor to ensure that any necessary changes are made in accordance with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines.

Any necessary changes will be accompanied by a post-publication notice that will be permanently linked to the original article. This can take the form of a Correction notice, a Statement of Concern, a Retraction, and in rare situations, a Deletion. The purpose of this permanent and transparent change mechanism is to ensure the integrity of the scientific record.

Changes that may occur include:

  • Erratum:refers to the correction of errors made by the publisher of the article. All changes made by the publisher will be highlighted by the author at the proofing stage and any errors will be identified by the author and corrected by the publisher before final publication.
  • Corrections:refer to changes to their article that authors wish to publish at any time after acceptance. Authors should contact the Editor of the journal, who will determine the impact of such changes and decide on the appropriate course of action. Elsevier will only make corrections to published articles after receiving approval and instructions from the Editor.
  • Retraction: describes retraction as "'removal' from the literature of a paper that is deemed sufficiently fraudulent, falsified, erroneous, plagiarised" NLM distinguishes between full retraction and partial retraction: "Sometimes only one graph or table or statement is retracted for an article. Or authors may realize that they have drawn incorrect conclusions from their research, and wish to later retract those conclusions, even though all the scientific data reported in an article are sound and valid". If a journal wants to issue a partial retraction, it is very important to clearly label the title "Partial Retraction."

Some Examples of Erratum-Corrigendum:

Springerlink: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/fr.2016.1

Springerlink: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11746-010-1570-5 [PDF]

BCREC Journal: http://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/bcrec/article/view/7136

Trends in Cognitive Sciences: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tics.2008.03.001

Data availability and deposition

The Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (Journal of Maternal and Child Health) supports a number of open data initiatives and offers a set of data-sharing policies for the journal. Once your article is published, you can still distribute it but must not change any form of what the journal has published.

Data sharing policy

Are you submitting your paper to the Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (Journal of Maternal and Child Health), and is there a data set associated with your work? The journal has a data-sharing policy that states how the data associated with your article should be shared.

Data repository

A data repository is a repository for researchers to store data sets related to their research. And if you are an author who wants to comply with the journal's data-sharing policy, you must identify an appropriate repository for your data.

Community-backed public repositories

If there is a community-backed mandate for data submission to a public repository, authors should submit the data set to the appropriate repository and provide the accession number (if any) in the paper. Examples of community-supported repositories are public repositories such as GenBank.
You can also use Zenodo, RINARVIX or others.

Images and figures

You should only use figures and numbers in your article if they are relevant and valuable to the work being reported. Please avoid adding this type of content that is merely illustrative and does not add value to the scientific work. Please ensure that your figures and images are clearly readable. You should submit them separately from the main text.


The Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (Journal of Maternal and Child Health)takes all forms of misconduct seriously and will take all necessary action, in accordance with COPE guidelines, to protect the integrity of the scholarly record.

Examples of misconduct include (but are not limited to):

  • Affiliation misrepresentation
  • Breaches in copyright/use of third-party material without appropriate permissions
  • Citation manipulation
  • Duplicate submission/publication
  • “Ethics dumping”
  • Image or data manipulation/fabrication
  • Peer review manipulation
  • Plagiarism
  • Text-recycling/self-plagiarism
  • Undisclosed competing interests
  • Unethical research


Trust and integrity are what readers value most in peer-reviewed scientific journal content. That is why The Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (Journal of Maternal and Child Health) takes the issue of plagiarism very seriously.

The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) defines plagiarism as:

"When a person presents another's work (data, words or theory) as if it were his or her own and without proper acknowledgment."

For The Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (Journal of Maternal and Child Health), this applies to data, images, words, or ideas taken from any material in an electronic or print format without adequate attribution. Any direct or indirect use of such material must be properly acknowledged in all cases. You must always cite your sources and MUST provide URLs for electronically referenced versions. Papers submitted to The Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (Journal of Maternal and Child Health) will be screened and checked for plagiarism using Similarity Check with a maximum allowable limit of 20%, but authors should check this before submission.

Preprints, preprint servers, and early reporting of scholarly work

We support the need for authors to share early versions of their work before peer-review publication.

Preprints and preprint servers

A preprint is your article before you have submitted it to a journal for peer review. Preprint servers are online repositories that enable you to post this early version of your research paper online.

If you upload your AOM to a non-commercial preprint server, you can subsequently submit the manuscript to The Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (Journal of Maternal and Child Health). We do not consider posting on a preprint server to be duplicate publication and this will not jeopardize consideration for publication.

If you’ve posted your AOM to a preprint server, we ask that, upon acceptance, you acknowledge that the article has been accepted for publication as follows:

“This article has been accepted for publication in " The Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak - https://e-journal.poltekkesjogja.ac.id/index.php/kia”

After publication please update your preprint, adding the following text to encourage others to read and cite the final published version of your article (the “Version of Record”):

“This is an original manuscript of an article published by Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak on [date of publication], available online: https://e-journal.poltekkesjogja.ac.id/index.php/kia/Article DOI].”

Research ethics and consent

All research published in Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (Journal of Maternal and Child Health) must have been conducted according to international and local guidelines ensuring ethically conducted research.

Research involving humans

All research studies on humans (individuals, samples or data) must have been performed in accordance with the principles stated in the Declaration of Helsinki.

Prior to starting the study, ethical approval must have been obtained for all protocols from the local institutional review board (IRB) or other appropriate ethics committee to confirm the study meets national and international guidelines for research on humans. A statement to confirm this must be included within the manuscript, which must provide details of the name of the ethics committee and reference/permit numbers where available.

Ethical considerations for different human study designs

This includes:

  • Prospective studies on humans
  • Clinical trials
  • Clinical Case reports
  • Organ or tissue transplants
  • Human embryos and human stem cells
  • Consent for research involving children, adolescents and vulnerable or incapacitated study participants
  • Retrospective studies
  • Survey studies
  • Covert observational research
  • Research on indigenous communities
  • Communication research
  • Social media research

Research involving animals, plants, and heritage sites

Studies involving vertebrates or regulated invertebrates (e.g. cephalopods), field studies and other non-experimental research on animals must have been carried out after obtaining approval from the relevant institutional ethics committee or the institutional animal use and care committee. Research procedures must be carried out in accordance with applicable national or international guidelines. In field studies authors must have also obtained any necessary permits for access to lands.

Authors must include a statement within the manuscript to provide details of the name of the ethics committee(s) which approved the study and include the permit or animal license numbers where available.

In the spirit of promoting best practice guidelines given by COPE (available at: https://publicationethics.org/core-practices), Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (Journal of Maternal and Child Health) will not consider for publication manuscripts in which best ethical practice is not ensured, i.e. Informed consent is missing and/or Ethical approval is omitted. To simplify the decision-making process on whether a type of study requires Informed consent and/or Ethical approval, authors are encouraged to consult the table below reprinted from Borovecki A, Mlinaric A, Horvat M, Supak Smolcic V. Informed consent and ethical approval in laboratory medicine. Biochem Med (Zagreb) 2018;28(3):030201.