Lama bekerja, keikutsertaan pelatihan dan tingkat pendidikan bidan terhadap perilaku pencegahan infeksi
Maternal mortality rate of Kalimantan Barat Province is on the 7 in Indonesia, about 353/100.000
birth, which is 2,8% caused by infection. The vigilance of patient service standard is consist of hand
hygiene, self-protection equipment, patient care tools, environment control, patient tools and linen
processing, worker’s health or health provider safety, and patient placement. Health providers have
to apply the infection prevention within patient relationship. Education and training for health
provider is one of the way for developing the human resources of health. For doing the
professionalism strategy is need to be using competence standard, training and other quality
improvement activities.This study was observational analytic designed as cross sectional. As the
independent variable (are working period, training participation and education level) and dependent
variable (is infection prevention behavior). Research subject are 55 midwives in RSUD dr.
Soedarso, taken by Total Sampling. Data has been analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis
by Kendall’s Tau statistic test.Statistic test result showed that there is any correlation between
working period and infection prevention behavior (p-value 0,02). There is any correlation between
training participation and infection prevention behavior (p-value 0,02). There is any correlation
between education level and infection prevention behavior (p-value 0,01).
There is no Figure or data content available for this article
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