Pengaruh posisi persalinan terhadap derajat ruptur perineum pada ibu bersalin
Based on World Health Organization ( WHO) data in 2009 there were 2,7 millions ruptur perineum
cases. This numbers will be predicted 6,3 millions in 2050. One of the causes for morbidity and
mortality mother is any infection during puerperium in which that infection firstly happens in ruptur
perineum when delivering the baby. Birth is a fisiologic event in normal life. There are several
pushing positions in delivered mother kala II. One of them is a half sitting positon that gives a
comfort condition for mother in supplying oxygen from mother to infant normally and other is a
squating position that uses body gravitation so the baby can be delivered easily without pushing,
because of that the researcher intents to know is there any influence for pushing position toward
ruptur perineum level for delivered mother. The research aims to know the influence of position
toward the ruptur perineum level. The kind of the research is a quasy experiment with prospective
approach and the location of the research is in Mojotengah Public Health Center. The sampling is
taken from 60 populations in each treatment with purposive sampel . The data has been analyzed
by univariat in percentage and bivariat analysis with mann whitney test. The research result
shows that there is an influence between the half sitting position toward the ruptur perineum level
with significant score or p value 0,015. Midwife suggests the women to take half sitting position in
delivering the baby to avoid the number of ruptur perineum.
Keywords :
Pushing position , Ruptur perineumThere is no Figure or data content available for this article
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