Infused water (strawberry and honey) to mothers with emesis gravidarum
Pregnancy is a physiological process experienced by a woman with various physiological and psychological changes. A common problem in pregnant women is the occurrence of vomiting nausea in pregnant women called emesis gravidarum. This occurs as a result of the complex interaction of endocrine, digestive tract, and endocrine system. The vestibular and olfactory senses which, if not addressed, will cause inconveniences and pathological things such as excessive vomiting nausea that interfere with daily activities (hyperemesis gravidarum) so additional therapy is needed to reduce vomiting nausea. The purpose of this study is to prove the effect of administering infused water (strawberry and honey) to mothers with emesis gravidarum.
This study used pre-experimental methods with one group pretest and posttest designs. The population, trimester 1 pregnant women with emesis gravidarum in the area of the Toroh 1 Grobogan Health Center. The sampling technique used nonprobability sampling with a total sampling method with samples of 32 respondents who were given 4 days infused water (strawbery and honey) intervention with 250 ml of water, 50 grams of strawberry, 20 ml of honey and measured using a visual analog scale questionnaire. The study showed the characteristics of respondents based on the age of trimester 1 pregnant women on average 25 years, with the youngest age 19 years and the oldest age at 30 years, the most parity in the multipara category as many as 18 respondents, the most education level in the upper secondary category as many as 23 respondents. Wilcoxon analysis results in a p-value of 0.000 < 0.05.The conclusion of this study is that there is an effect of administering infused water (strawberry and honey) to mothers with emesis gravidarum.
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