Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh Ibu Dengan Kejadian Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah di RSUD Wonosari Gunungkidul
Low birthweight is a baby who is born weighing less than <2500 gram. Low birthweight is one of the most causes of the neonatal
morbidity and mortality in Indonesia. The highest incidence of low birthweight in DIY province was happened in Gunung Kidul district
(7.33%). Low birthweight is caused by many factors such as the mother's nutrition status. Body Mass Index (BMI) is one of
indicators to measure the nutrition status on adults. In Indonesia, the ideal body weight of a woman during her first trisemester is 45-
65 kg, while mother's weight >45 kg can possibly have low BMI. The objective of this study is to know the correlation between the
body mass index of mothers and the incidence of low birthweight. The design of this study used case control. Total sample was 326
newborn babies which consisted of 163 babies in the case group and 163 babies in the control group who had fulfilled the inclusive
and exclusive criteria. The data was collected from the medical records since January-December 2015 with purposive sampling
technique. The data analysis used chi-square, OR and logistic regression. The result of bivariat analysis showed the variables
which were correlated with the incidence of low birthweight i.e. BMI of mothers (p=0.000, OR: 2.4), age (p=0.028, OR: 1.6) and
anemia TM III (p=0.017, OR: 1.7), while the parity variable was not correlated with the incidence of low birthweight (p=0.0912, OR:
1.02). The result of multivariate analysis showed that BMI of mothers was the most correlated variable with the incidence of low
birthweight (p=0.000, OR: 2.8). Mothers with low BMI was 2,8 times at risk of having babies with low birthweight than mothers with
normal BMI. This study concluded that there was a correlation between mothers' BMI, age and anemia TM 3 with the incidence of
low birthweight. Low BMI was the most risked variable for mothers to bear babies with low birthweight. Low BMI increased the
incidence of low birthweight.
Keywords :
Low birthweight, Mothers' Body Mass IndexThere is no Figure or data content available for this article
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