
  • Sri Supadmi
  • Suryati Kumorowulan


Hyperthyroidism, body mass index, age, women of child bearing age


The problems of nutrition are both of less and over diet. There are caused unbalance of eating pattern. Women of child bearing age with hyperthyroidism will decreased their body weight even though their appetite still good. The data of Healthy Ministry at 2007 shown that 30 million of 118 million women of child bearing age are suffer less chronic energy The result of Riskesdas at 2007 shown that prevalence of obesity on women are 23,8%. To know the relationship between hyperthyroid with BM/ and to know the ratio of prevalence of Body Mass Index with hyperthyroid and normothyroid. The research used cross sectional design with quantitative analyzed. The sample of research consist two group of sample. The first group, women of childbearing age with hyperthyroid; and second group, women of childbearing age with normothyroid. Each group consist of 50 women of childbearing age. Range of age is 15-49 years old. The location of research is at Magelang Central Java. BM/ value of women of child bearing age average 23 with standard deviation 4,07. The lowest and the highest value of BM/ are 16 and 44. Age mean of Women of child bearing age is 34 years old with Standard Deviation 5,98. Hyperthyroid relation with BMI (p=0,05; RP=0, 30; 95% CI: 0,09<RP<1,04). Age relationship with BM/ (p>0,05; RP = 0,93; 95% Cl: 0,18<RP<4,67). There is no relationship significantly between hyperthyroid with BM/ value. Women of child bearing age with hyperthyroid may suffer abnormal BM/ value 0,30 times higher than women of child bearing age with normothyroid. Women of child bearing age with less than 40 years old may suffer abnormal BM/ value 0,93 times higher than women of child bearing age with more than 40 years old. 

Author Biographies

Sri Supadmi

Balai Litbang GAKI Magelang, Kapling Jayan Borobudur Magelang

Suryati Kumorowulan

Balai Litbang GAKI Magelang, Kapling Jayan Borobudur Magelang



How to Cite

Sri Supadmi, & Suryati Kumorowulan. (2009). INDEK MASSA TUBUH (IMT) PADA WANITA USIA SUBUR HIPERTIROID DI DAERAH MAGELANG . Media Gizi Mikro Indonesia, 1(1), 23–30. Retrieved from

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